Questa breve lettera l’ho scritta all’amico Nik Spatari prima che morisse.
Caro Nik, la breve nota che segue sarà in inglese. Chiaramente non ha nessun altro fine che quello di far sapere al mondo intero sul tuo operato in questi ultimi 50 anni.
Scholars from all over the world always wonder how did the inspiration and creativity came about. That magical moment, indescribable, the mixture that makes it possible to compose a work of art. That is, paint, sculpt, and writing or model something that can involve the unconscious, conjuring scenes that provoke intense emotions and sublime moods. States of mind that sensitive beings cause even ecstasy.
Inspiration and creativity, since they aren't characteristics common to all human beings, that is what most people think, and that it is not possible to develop artificially, they must have a source, come from something deep inside humans. Some scientists speculate that the inspiration comes from an altered state of mind, or if you prefer by malfunctioning brain areas.
I mean by madness, or moments of madness, because especially in the painters often have irrational and little controlled than the behavioral patterns of the time. I think that definition, or rather limit, born primarily from inability, which becomes frustration, for failing to understand the subtle phenomenon, or if you prefer, peculiarities of some beings of this world, like Nik Spatari, a painter, sculptor and architect. A great Southerner.
Gigino A Pellegrini